. netizen 網友、鄉民

這個詞是由網路 (net) 加上公民 (citizen)  所組成的,泛指網路使用者。

. hater 黑特 vs. troll 酸民

hater 指討厭特定人事物的人,troll 原意是「山怪」,在網路上則比較像是嘲諷他人或引戰的酸民。

Haters gonna hate.


. social justice warrior 正義魔人

這個詞可以簡稱為 SJW ,指把自己認為的正義、道德或價值觀強加在別人身上,且程度太超過的人,尤其是只在網路上出一張嘴的那種人!

Some players are afraid that social justice warriors will ruin video games because they cannot stand any violence.

. cyber warrior 網軍

cyber 是「網路的」,網路戰可以說成 cyber warcyber warfare


. opinion leader 意見領袖


Many girls see Jenny as their opinion leader and buy whatever she recommends.
許多女生視 Jenny 為意見領袖,會買任何她推薦的東西。


. Internet celebrity 網紅、網路名人

爆紅 go viral


. lurker 潛水者

在許多論壇都會有所謂的 lurker ,指只看文章但不發表意見的人



. Viral  (adj)爆紅的 : When something "goes viral" -- "to go viral". When something "goes viral", it means it spreads very quickly.


. Post (n,v) :  "To post" or "a post"-- A "post" is something that you put on the Internet, something you put on your Facebook page, something you put on your blog page, on your website. "To post" means "to put up", to put up for the Internet to spread.


. Phishing :  What people do is they send  you an email, and they hope that you will respond and give them information: bank accounts, passwords, usernames, etc.


. meme  /ˈmiːm/網路爆紅:  This in an interesting word. It's become very popular these days on the Internet.     When someday sees a picture or a video or any sort of image and it becomes very, very popular, people start to take that image and put it in a different context, okay? For example, maybe a few months ago there was a picture of a guy who was called "the most photogenic guy in the world". A guy, you know, handsome guy, smiling, everybody thought, "Oh, what a great picture." Suddenly you see his picture in every situation. You see big sumo wrestlers with the guy's face. He's one of the sumo wrestlers. You see somebody biking or running  -- the guy's face. You see a wedding picture with the guy standing right there. So that is a "meme". Basically, it's a copied image or an idea that spreads and is used in different contexts.
  (Internet meme)


. Domain:  is basically a website.
 "URL" is the address. So for example: www.name.com. So this whole line that you put in the top bar of your Internet Explorer -- whatever, Mozilla Firefox -- this is the "URL". That's the address, and this is the domain: engvid.com.


. SPAM: is junk email, garbage email. People send you advertisements,or sometimes the SPAM is used for the phishing. It's just garbage email that you don't really want to look at.


.cookies: are pieces of information that a website that you go to... You go to a website. The server      -- the company that has the website -- sends information to your computer. That information stays on your computer. Every time you go back and forth to this website, they see what you are doing, and they can customize the delivery of their website to you. So they know what you like, what other websites you've been to, so they know which advertisements to give you, they know how to set up their website so that you like it.


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